Potato Pancakes with Applesauce and Herb Dip

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Potato Pancakes with Applesauce and Herb Dip
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Health Score:
69 / 100
40 min.
ready in 1 hr
Ready in

Nutritional values

1 serving contains
(Percentage of daily recommendation)
Calorie715 cal.(34 %)
Protein21 g(21 %)
Fat23 g(20 %)
Carbohydrates100 g(67 %)
Sugar added10 g(40 %)
Roughage9.1 g(30 %)
Vitamin A0.3 mg(38 %)
Vitamin D1.2 μg(6 %)
Vitamin E2.7 mg(23 %)
Vitamin K25.1 μg(42 %)
Vitamin B₁0.3 mg(30 %)
Vitamin B₂0.4 mg(36 %)
Niacin8.2 mg(68 %)
Vitamin B₆0.6 mg(43 %)
Folate85 μg(28 %)
Pantothenic acid2.3 mg(38 %)
Biotin29.1 μg(65 %)
Vitamin B₁₂1.3 μg(43 %)
Vitamin C79 mg(83 %)
Potassium1,353 mg(34 %)
Calcium170 mg(17 %)
Magnesium81 mg(27 %)
Iron3.9 mg(26 %)
Iodine19 μg(10 %)
Zinc2.1 mg(26 %)
Saturated fatty acids13.3 g
Uric acid84 mg
Cholesterol164 mg
Complete sugar55 g


For the applesauce
6 ripe Apple (such as Boskop)
2 Tbsps sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
½ Cinnamon stick
2 cloves
6 Tbsps dry white wine
For the herb dip
300 grams Quark
150 grams Sour cream
3 Tbsps Whipped cream
4 Tbsps mixed, chopped Fresh herbs (such as parsley, chives, chervil, tarragon, mint, etc.)
freshly ground peppers
lemon juice
For the pancakes
800 grams starchy potatoes
freshly grated Nutmeg
2 eggs
4 Tbsps Pastry flour
2 Tbsps clarified butter
How healthy are the main ingredients?
potatoSour creamsugarWhipped creamApplecloves

Preparation steps


For the applesauce: Peel the apples, quarter, core and cut into small cubes. Mix with the sugar, lemon juice and spices in a pot. Pour in the wine and bring to a boil. Simmer over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove from the heat, remove the spices and cool.


For the herb dip: Mix the quark, sour cream, heavy cream and chopped herbs. Season with salt, pepper and a dash of lemon.


For the pancakes: Peel the potatoes, rinse, grate, put in a kitchen cloth and squeeze out the liquid. Mix the grated potato, nutmeg, salt, eggs, and flour. Heat a pan with clarified butter and drop tablespoons of the potato mixture into the pan. Press flat and fry on both sides until golden brown. Remove the pancakes from the pan, drain on a paper towel and serve with applesauce and herb dip.